Deployments in Kubernetes

The deployment is expected to be given as a file named 'deployment-'+docker+'-'+instance+'.yml' Such files are generated from a template.

Content of this document:

  • How do templates work

    • What templates are included

    • Adjust the templates to your cluster

  • How to parametrize templates at runtime


Template files are named 'deploymenttemplate-"+docker+".yml'.

To generate a file 'deployment-'+docker+'-'+instance+'.yml' from this

  • the instance name is understood as cpu-mem-gpu-gputype

  • the yaml file is changed as

dep['spec']['template']['spec']['containers'][0]['resources']['requests']['cpu'] = cpu
dep['spec']['template']['spec']['containers'][0]['resources']['limits']['cpu'] = cpu
dep['spec']['template']['spec']['containers'][0]['resources']['requests']['memory'] = mem
dep['spec']['template']['spec']['containers'][0]['resources']['limits']['memory'] = mem
dep['spec']['template']['spec']['nodeSelector']['gpu'] = gputype
dep['spec']['template']['spec']['containers'][0]['resources']['limits'][''] = int(gpu)


This repository includes some templates at

DBMS included are:

  • MariaDB (10.4.6)

  • MonetDB (11.31.7)

  • OmniSci (v5.4.0)

  • PostgreSQL (11.4)

To be added in near future:

  • Exasol (7.0.0)
    You will need a Docker image including EXAplus

  • MemSQL (centos-7.1.8-43a12901be-2.0.0-1.7.0)
    You will have to add a licence key

  • MySQL (8.0.21)
    You will need a Docker image including tar

  • Oracle DB (18.4.0-xe)
    You will need to build the Docker image

  • MS SQL Server (2019-CU5-ubuntu-18.04)

Your Cluster

To make these work, you may have to add the name of your Docker pull secret and the name of your persistant volume.

The default name of the secret is private-registry-auth:

- {name: private-registry-auth}

The default name of the PV is volume-benchmarking:

- name: benchmark-data-volume
  persistentVolumeClaim: {claimName: volume-benchmarking}

Parametrize Templates

The resources (requests, limits and nodeSelector) can also be set explicitly using

  requests = {
    'cpu': cpu,
    'memory': mem
  limits = {
    'cpu': 0,     # unlimited
    'memory': 0   # unlimited
  nodeSelector = {
    'cpu': cpu_type,
    'gpu': gpu_type,

For further information and option see the documentation.