
An experiment is a benchmark of a DBMS in a certain host setting and a specific benchmark setting.

A host setting consists of

  • a DBMS (as a docker image)

  • a volume (containing some data)

  • init scripts (for pre-loading and post-loading)

A benchmark setting consists of

  • a number of client processes

  • a number of runs per connection

  • a maximum timeout

  • a lot more, depending on the benchmark tool, e.g. DBMSBenchmarker


The management roughly means

  • start a DBMS and load raw data

  • run some benchmarks, fetch metrics and do reporting

  • shut down environment and clean up

In more detail this means

  1. Prepare Experiment

    1. Use Virtual Machines provided as K8s nodes - create deployment

    2. Attach Network - create service

    3. Attach Data Storage Volume - attach PVC

    4. Start Monitoring - start node exporters and Prometheus as docker containers

  2. Start Experiment

    1. Start DBMS Docker Container, upload and run pre-loading init scripts (e.g., create schema), load data, upload and run post-loading init scripts (e.g., create indexes)

  3. Run Benchmarks

  4. Report

    1. Pull Logs from containers

    2. Pull Metrics from Prometheus monitoring server

  5. Stop Experiment

  6. Clean Experiment

    1. Delete deployment and services